Papeška bula In nomine Domini

Latinski izvirnik[1] Angleški prevod[2] Slovenski prevod (povzetek listine)

In Nomine Domini Nostri Jesu Christi et Salvatoris, ab Incarnationis ejus anno millesimo quinquagesimo nono, mense Aprili, indictione duodecima, praepositis sacrosanctis Evangeliis, praesidente quoque Reverendissimo ac Beatissimo Papa Nicolao in Basilica Lateranensis Patriarchii, quae cognominatur Constantiniana: consedentibus etiam Reverendissimis Episcopis, Abbatibus, Presbyteris, Diaconibus: idem Venerabilis Pontifex auctoritate Apostolica decernens de Electione Summi Pontificis inquit: Novit Beatitudo vestra dilectissimi Fratres et Coepiscopi, inferiora quoque membra non latuit, defuncto bonae memoriae D. Stephano praedecessore nostro, haec Apostolica Sedes, cui auctore Deo servio, quot adversa pertulerit, quot denique per simoniacae haeresis trapezitas repetitis malleis, crebrisque tunsionibus subjacuit: adeo quidem, ut columna Dei viventis tam pene videretur nutare, et sagena summi Piscatoris, procellis intumescentibus cogeretur in naufragii profunda submergi, unde si placet Fraternitati vestrae, debemus, auxiliante Deo, futuris casibus prudenter occurrere, et Ecclesiastico statui, ne recidiva, quod absit, mala praevaleant, praecavere.

Electio Papae pertinet in primis ad Cardinales Episcopos, qui Metropolitani vice funguntur, deinde ad Clericos Cardinales, reliquusque Clerus, et populus consensum tantum electionis praestant.
§ 1.Quapropter instructi praedecessorum nostrorum, aliorumque Sanctorum Patrum auctoritate, decernimus, atque statuimus, ut obeunte huius Romanae Ecclesiae universalis Pontifice, in primis Cardinales Episcopi diligentissime simul de electione tractatntes, mox Christi Clericos Cardinales adhibeant; sicque reliquus Clerus, et Populus ad consensum novae electionis accedant, nimirum praecaventes, ne venalitatis morbus aliqua occasione surrepat, et ideo religiosissimi viri praeduces sint in promovenda Pontificis electione, reliqui autem sequaces. Certus vero, atque legitimus hinc electionis ordo perpenditur, si perspectis diversorum Patrum regulis, sive gestis, etiam illa Beati Leonis Papae praedecessoris nostri sententia, recolatur. Nulla (inquit) ratio sinit, ut inter Episcopos habeantur, qui nec a Clericis sunt electi, nec a plebibus expetiti, nec a comprovincialibus Episcopis cum Metropolitani judicio consecrati; sed quia Sedes Apostolica cunctis in orbe terrarum praefertur Ecclesiis, atque ideo super se Metropolitanum habere non potest, Cardinales Episcopi procul dubio Metropolitani vice funguntur, qui videlicet electum Antistitem, ad Apostolici culminis apicem provehant consecrandum.
Eligi debet Papa de gremio Ecclesiae Romanae si reperitur idoneus, alioquin ex alia Ecclesia eligendus est.
§ 2.Eligatur utem de ipsius Ecclesiae gremio, si reperitur idoneus, vel si de ipsa non invenitur, ex alia sumatur; salvo debito honore, et reverentia dilecti filii nostri Henrici, qui in praesentiarum Rex habetur, et futurus Imperator Deo concedente speratur, et jam sibi concessimus, sicut successoribus illius, qui ab hac Apostolica Sede peronaliter hoc jus impetraverint.
Si non potest ob impedimenta eligi Papa in Urbe, potest alibi a Cardinalibus, et aliis, de quibus supra, licet paucis, eligi.
§ 3.Quod si pravorum, atque iniquorum hominum ita perversitas invaluerit, ut pura, sincera, atque grauita fieri in Urbe non possit electio, Cardinales Episcopi cum religiosis Clericis, catholicisque laicis, licet paucis, jus potestatis obtineant eligendi Apostolicae Sedis Pontificem, ubi congruerit.
Si electus Papa ob impedimenta, de quibus hic, non potest inthronizari, nihilominus est verus Papa, et potest regere Ecclesiam Romanam, et de omnibs facultatibus ejus disponere.
§ 4.Plane postquam electio fuerit facta, si bellica fuerit tempestas, vel qualiscunque hominum conatus, malignitatis studio restiterit, ut is, qui electus est, in Apostolica Sede juxta consuetudinem, inthronizari nom valeat, electus tamen sicut verus Papa obtinet auctoritatem regendi Romanam Ecclesiam, et disponendi omnes facultates illius, quod Beatum Gregorium ante suam consecrationem cognovimus fecisse.
Electus Papa contra formam hujus Decreti, punitur, ut hic, cum suis fautoribus.
§ 5.Quod si quis contra hoc decretum nostrum synhodali sententia promulgatum, quasi per seditionem, vel praesumptionem, aut quolibet ingeino electus, aut etiam ordinatus, seu inthronizatus fuerit, auctoritate divina, et Sanctorum Apostolorum Petri, et Pauli, perpetuo anathemate cum suis auctoribus, et fautoribus, et sequacibus a liminibus Sanctae Ecclesiae separatus abjiciatur, sicut Antichristus, et invasor, et destructor totius Christianitatis, nec aliqua super hoc ei audientia reservetur, sed ab omni ecclesiastioco gradu in quocunque fuerat prius sine retractatione deponatur, cui quisquiw adhaeserit, vel qualemcumque tanquam Pontifici reverentiam exhibuerit, aut in aliquo eum defendere praesumpserit, pari sententia sit mmancipatus, quod si quis huius nostrae Sanctae Decretalis sententiae temerator extiterit, et Romanam Ecclesiam sua praesumptione confundere, et perturbare contra hoc Statutum tentaverit, perpetuo anathemate, et excommunicatione damnetur, et cum impiis qui non resurgent in judicio, reputetur, Omnipotentis iram contra se sentiat, et Sanctorum Apostolorum Petri, et Pauli, quorum Ecclesiam praesumit confundere, in hac vita et in futura furorem sentiat; fiat habitatio illius deserta, et in tabernaculis suis non sit, qui ihnabitet: fiant filii ejus orphani, et uxor ejus vidua, commotus commoveatur ipse, et filii ejus mendicent, et ejiciantur de habitationibus suis, scrutetur etiam foenerator omnem substantiam ejus, et diripiant alieni labores ejus: Orbis terrarum pugnet contra eum, et cuncta elementa sint ei contraria, et omnium Sanctorum quiescentium merita illum confundant.
Observatioribus hujus Decreti, Papa praecatur Dei gratiam, et peccatorum veniam.
§ 6.Observatores autem hujus nostri decret, Omnipotentis gratia protegat, et auctoritas Beatorum Apostolorum Petri, et Pauli ab omnium peccatorum vinculis absolvat.
Dato Romae, Nicolaus II Pontifex Maximus, 13 Aprili 1059. [3]


In the name of the Lord God our Saviour Jesus Christ, in the year of his incarnation 1059, in the mouth of April, in the 12th indiction-the holy Gospel being placed before us and the most reverend and blessed apostolic pope Nicholas presiding, while the most reverend archbishops, bishops, abbots and venerable priests and deacons assisted -in the church of the Lateran patriarch, which is called -the church of Constantine, this same venerable pontiff decreeing by apostolic authority, spoke thus concerning the election of the supreme pontiff: Ye know, most blessed and beloved fellow bishops and brothers-nor has it been hidden from the lower members also - how much adversity this apostolic chair, in which by God's will I serve, did endure at the death of our master and predecessor, Stephen of blessed memory: to how many blows, indeed, and frequent wounds it was subjected by the traffickers in simoniacal heresy; so that the columns of the living God of the chief seemed almost to totter already, and the net of the chief fisher to be submerged, amid the swelling blasts, in the depths of shipwreck. Wherefore, if it please ye brethren, we ought prudently to take measures for future cases, and to provide for the state of the church hereafter, lest-which God forbid-the same evils may revive and prevail. Therefore, strengthened by the authority of our predecessors and of the other holy fathers, we decree and establish.
1. That, when the Pontiff of this Roman universal church dies, the cardinal bishops, after first conferring together with most diligent consideration, shall afterwards call in to themselves the cardinal clergy; and then the remaining clergy and the people shall approach and consent to the new election.
2. That-lest the disease of venality creep in through any excuse whatever-the men of the church shall be the leaders in carrying on the election of a pope, the others merely followers. And surely this order of electing will be considered right and lawful by those who, having looked through the rules or decrees of the various fathers, also take into consideration that sentence of our blessed predecessor Leo. " No reasoning permits," he says, " that those should be considered as among the bishops who have neither been elected by the clergy, nor desired by the people, nor consecrated by the bishops of their province with the approval of the metropolitan." But since the apostolic chair is elevated above all the churches of the earth, and thus can have no metropolitan over it, the cardinal bishops perform beyond a doubt the functions of that metropolitan, when, namely, they raise their chosen pope to the apex of apostolic glory.
3. They shall make their choice, moreover, from the . lap of this (Roman) church itself, if a suitable man is to be found there. But if not, one shall be chosen from another church.
4. Saving the honour and reverence due to our beloved son Henry who is at present called 'king, and will be in the future, as it is hoped, emperor by God's grace; according as we now have granted to him and to his successors who shall obtain this right personally from this apostolic see.
5. But, if the perversity of depraved and wicked men shall so prevail that a pure, sincere and free election can not be held in Rome, the cardinal bishops, with the clergy of the church and the catholic laity, may have the right and power, even though few in numbers, of electing a pontiff for the apostolic see wherever it may seem to them most suitable.
6. It is to be clearly understood that if, after an election has been held, a time of war, or the endeavours of any man who is prompted by the spirit of malignity, shall prevent him who has been elected from being enthroned according to custom in the apostolic chair: nevertheless he who has been elected shall, as pope, have authority to rule the Holy Roman church and to have the disposal of all its resources; as we know the blessed Gregory to have done before his consecration. But if any one, contrary to this our decree promulgated by a synodal vote, shall, through sedition or presumption or any wile, be elected or even ordained and enthroned: by the authority of God and of the holy apostles Peter and Paul he shall be subjected, as Antichrist and invader and destroyer of all Christianity, to a perpetual anathema, being cast out from the threshold of the holy church of God, together with his instigators, favourers and followers. Nor at any time shall he be allowed a hearing in this matter, but be shall irrevocably be deposed from every ecclesiastical grade, no matter what one he had previously held. Whoever shall adhere to him or show any reverence to him, or shall presume in any way to defend him, shall be bound by a like sentence. Whoever, moreover, shall scorn the importof this our decree, and shall attempt contrary to this statute, presumptuously to confound and perturb the Roman church, shall be condemned with a perpetual anathema and excommunication and shall be considered as among the impious who do not rise at the Judgment. He shall feel against him, namely, the wrath of Almighty God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and shall experience in this life and in the next the fury of the holy apostles Peter and Paul whose church he presumes to confound. His habitation shall be made a desert, and there shall be none to dwell in his tents. His sons shall be made orphans and his wife a widow. He shall be removed in wrath, and his sons shall go begging and shall be cast out of their habitations. The usurer shall go through all his substance and strangers shall destroy the results of his labours. The whole earth shall fight against him and all the elements oppose him ; and the merits of all the saints at rest shall confound him, and in this life shall take open vengeance against him. But the grace of Almighty God will protect those who observe this our decree, and the authority of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul will absolve them from the bonds of all their sins.
I, Nicholas, bishop of the holy Catholic and apostolic Roman church, have signed this decree promulgated by us as it stands above. I Boniface, by the grace if God bishop of of Albano, have signed. I, Humbert, bishop of the holy church of Sylva Candida, have signed. I, Peter, bishop of the church of Ostia, have signed. And other bishops to the number of 76, with priests and deacons have signed.
The beginning and the ending of the imperial version are, with the exception of a word or two, identical -with those of the papal. The differences are to be found in the numbered paragraphs. The cardinals in general and not only the cardinal-bishops are to be the prime movers in the election, and the emperor's share in their proceedings is largely increased.
1. That, when the pontiff of this Roman church universal dies, the cardinals, after first conferring together with most diligent consideration-saving the honour and reverence due to our beloved son Henry, who is at present called king, and will be in the future, as it is hoped, emperor by God's grace, according as we now, by the mediation of his envoy W. the chancellor of Lombardy, have. granted to him and to those of his successors who shall obtain this right personally from this apostolic see,-shall approach and consent to the new election.
2. That-lest the disease of venality creep in through any excuse whatever-the men of the church, together with our most serene son king Henry, shall be the leaders in carrying on the election of a pope, the others merely followers.
3. They shall make their choice, moreover, from the lap of this (Roman) church itself, if a suitable man is to be found there. But if not, one shall be chosen from another church.
4. But, if the perversity of depraved and wicked men shall so prevail that a pure, sincere and free election can not be held in Rome, they may have the right and power, even though few in numbers, of electing a pontiff for the apostolic see wherever it may seem to them, together with the most unconquerable king, Henry, to be most suitable. It is to be clearly understood that if, after an election has been held, a time of war, or the endeavour of any man who is prompted by the spirit of malignity, shall prevent him who has been elected from being enthroned according to custom in the apostolic chair: nevertheless he who has been elected shall, as pope, have authority to rule the holy Roman church, and to have the disposal of all its resources; as we know the blessed Gregory to have done before his consecration. But if, etc.

In Nomine Domini - V imenu Gospodovem odlok o papeških volitvah od 13. aprila 1059.

§ 1.Za volitve papeža so pristojni predvsem kardinali-škofje, ki opravljajo metropolitansko službo; nato kardinali-duhovniki; preostala duhovščina in ljudstvo pa na izvolitev dajo samo svoje soglasje.
§ 2.Papeža je treba izvoliti iz zbora rimske Cerkve, če najdejo primernega; drugače pa ga je mogoče izvoliti tudi iz kake druge Cerkve.
§ 3.Če zaradi ovir ni mogoče izbrati papeža v mestu Rimu, ga lahko kardinali, in drugi zgoraj omenjeni, četudi maloštevilni, izvolijo drugje.
§ 4.Če izvoljenega papeža zaradi tukaj omenjenih ovir ni mogoče ustoličiti, je vendarle pravi papež; Rimsko Cerkev lahko vodi in razpolaga z vsemi njenimi pravicami.
§ 5.Če izvolijo papeža v nasprotju z oblikami tega odloka, bo kaznovan on in njegovi pristaši.
§ 6.Na tiste, ki se bodo držali določb tega odloka, papež kliče Božjo milost in odpuščanje grehov.
Dano v Rimu, 13. aprila 1059, papež Nikolaj II., vrhovni duhovnik.


  1. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Leges, Sectio IV, vol. I, p. 539.
  2. Doeberl: Monumenta Germaniae selecta," 3rd vol.
  3. Predloga:Cite web
  4. Translated in Ernest F. Henderson: Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages (London: George Bell and Sons, 1910), pp. 361-364